Tuesday 10 March 2015

Music was the only thing between Wizkid and I, we are not family – Skales

Former EME Artist, Skales has finally spoken about the fight between him and his former record label mate, Wizkid.  The ‘shake body’ crooner disclosed his relationship with wizkid, the reason for their twitter fight and his thoughts of having collaboration with him.

Skales who disclosed the above with NET in a recent chat said he never had a good relationship with Wizkid. He said that his relationship with him was based on Music alone. “We were just there, we were cool. For me, it was just about making music, that’s what brought us together in the first place, it’s not like we are from the same family, so let’s just focus on the music which was what I did. If I had something on my mind, I always say it out”.
When asked why two supposed friends picked up a fight on twitter after being seen at an event together? He said;
“The truth is, we were not really together, we were just at the same venue at the same event; that’s all, and really, whatever needs to be said now has already been said on twitter so you can pick everything there, right now I’ve put the whole episode behind me. I just want people to focus more on my music it’s life human beings must always fallout.”

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