Monday 21 August 2017

7 Keys To Long Life Of Love |Must Read

 This article will go a long way to improve our knowledge on how you can have a successful marriage and relationship.
You may not be a person of faith (yet), but don’t stop reading, because these principles below could be a big help to you. It applies to all of us.

Keys to lifelong love:

1. Invest in your friendship with each other

At the core of every strong marriage is a strong friendship and it’s one aspect of your relationship that can and should grow richer and deeper with every passing year. Strive to not only love each other, strive to actually LIKE each other too! Couples who achieve lifelong love simultaneously achieve lifelong friendship with each other.

2. Be quick to forgive and quick to seek forgiveness

Few things sabotage a marriage faster than “keeping score” and holding grudges and few things will bring peace to a marriage faster than humble apologies and genuine forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the offense didn’t hurt or it didn’t matter; it simply means loving your spouse enough to pursue healing instead of punishment when you’ve been hurt.

3. Keep dreaming new dreams and creating new adventures together

Rudy and Judy are one o the happiest couples I know. Rudy is well into his eighties, but he has more energy than me! He and Judy refuse to just sit in rocking chairs taking in the Golden Years with ease. They teach dance classes, do premarital counseling for engaged couples, raise a huge garden of delicious vegetables, take cruises at least once a month, volunteer at the local VA hospital and they are always looking forward to some new adventure together. We could all learn a lot from them!

4. Choose to see the best in each other

You Should Read This:   The Meaning Of Love – Defining True Love
Nobody knows your flaws better than your spouse. They’ve seen at you at your worst, but they should also be the person who consistently celebrates the good and brings out the best in you. If you’ll both do that for each other, it will make a world of difference in your marriage though the years.

5. Create a legacy that will outlive you both

The goal of marriage should just be to endure it like a lifelong prison sentence (I certainly hope that’s not how you’re looking at it)! Your love for each other should leave the world a richer and better place. Find places to serve and meaningful causes to start or to support together. Adding an element of “mission” to your marriage will bring you closer together and will also leave a lasting impact that will endure for generations to come.

6. Laugh as much as you possibly can

Laughter is good for the soul, the body and the marriage! Don’t laugh at each other, but constantly look for opportunities to laugh with each other. Laugher is actually one of the most intimate acts a couple can share together. Even in hard times, find reasons to celebrate with gratitude and joy. It will make your life and your marriage a lot more fun!

7. Never give up on each other!

Remove the word “Divorce” from your vocabulary. Build your relationship on your unchanging commitment, not on your fickle feelings. The couples who make it last for the long haul aren’t the ones who never had a reason to get divorced. They’re simply the ones who decide that their commitment to each other will always be bigger than their differences or flaws. Never forget those sacred vows you made to each other,”For better or for worse, in sickness or in health, for richer or for poorer, forsaking all others, til’ death do us part!”

Culled from 9jastreet
Orginally published on Patheos

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