Tuesday 19 December 2017

Morning Daily Devotional By Pastor E.A Adeboye.- STUDENT FOR LIFE!


"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels."- Proverbs 1:5

 Bible Reading: Proverbs 1:1-6

A wise man will hear and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels
Proverbs 1:5
According to the above scripture, knowledge is good, although not all knowledge is necessary for the children of God.
It also states that only a wise fellow will benefit from what he hears. If you
are taught something but you fail to act on it, you are at a greater disadvantage compared to those who were not exposed to such information at all.
Why? Jesus says that on the last day, it is the word of God that will judge us. In other words, any sound teaching from God’s word that you heard but failed to act upon will stand against you on the last day. Open Heaven
This means that just as the word of God can liberate a person, that same word can also condemn him or her. May you not be condemned by what you have heard in Jesus Name!
This is why you need to live your life by every word of God or teaching from the Bible you have received. From Proverbs 1:5, we also learn that if knowledge is given its rightful position in your life, what you are taught will provoke you to desire more knowledge.

In other words, if you are wise, you
remain a student throughout your life,
because one revelation of God’s word will prompt you to search for another in an unending chain.
In this regard, believers are expected to be like professionals who need to constantly update their knowledge.
Are you always seeking to know more?
Do you find time to read good, inspiring books? It is popularly said that leaders are readers.
If you fail to read and learn from the experiences and wealth of knowledge of others, you will only be left with the stale information that you have inside you.
Therefore, seek knowledge from today! For you to lead in your group, you ought to know what others do not know.
According to Ecclesiastes 9:18, winning a war is not only dependent on the nature
of the weapons available to you, but more on what you know and your ability to apply what you know to the situation at hand.
God bless you for reading today’s Open Heavens Daily Devotional. Please, save a soul by sharing this message with your social media friends via the buttons.
If there is one area every believer in Christ should work on, it is to know God
more. How well are your doing in this area?
 Key Point:
It is either you are current and relevant, or you become stale and abandoned. It’s your choice to make!

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