Tuesday 20 January 2015

Bird flu detected in Rivers state

The Rivers State Government has confirmed the discovery of the Avian Influenza Bird Flu in the state. The State Commissioner for Agriculture, Emma Chinda said the avian disease was confirmed after a thorough test was carried out on a bird which was showing signs last week.
At a media briefing in Port Harcourt, the Agric Commissioner revealed that the tests on the bird were carried out by the National Vetinary Institute, Jos in Plateau State.He said following the result, the institute was to carry out an expanded test on the poultry farm to help check the spread of the influenza. In the meantime, the State government has urged the people of the state of their determination to ensure that the situation was properly managed to avert an outbreak.
The Government advised all residents of the state not to panic and ensure that all birds and their edibles should be properly boiled before eating. According to the commissioner, “The farm was immediately dispatched to the National Vetinary Institute in Plateau State for laboratory investigations. The farm was also subjected to quarantine by the same institute while owners of poultry farms around the farms were advised to set up bio-security measures.

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