Thursday 1 October 2015

Morning Fellowship with God's Word

  Sharing with you this Morning devotional "Open Heavens written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye. Today ,Thursday October 1, 2015.
Topic: Beware of This Enemy: PROCRASTINATION, Proverb 27:1
"Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth". Please raed Luke 9: 59-62

One of the worst enemies of your progress is Procrastination.
Procrastination means delaying or postponing what needs to be done. It is a big problem that can cause huge failure . Christians should not do this because it can cause loss of life and opportunities as said in Jeremiah 8: 20 "the harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved."If it is so dangerous, why do people Procrastination?

1.  It is convenient (Acts 24:25)
2. Being lazy ( Proverb 26:13-16) . A lazy man will always have excuses not to work. They will always look for something else to keep busy with.
3. Getting involved with worldly things (Genesis 19:16) Making friends or family more important than pleasing God. Remember Elisha gave up his family business to serve God  (1 kings 19:19-20)
4. Distractions from the environment . This could be as a result spending too much time on social media - TV, gadgets,internet, Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.
All these can be avoided with poor planning. Set reasonable priorities and targets. Discipline yourself and the time you spend on social media. Don't dilly dally, seize the moment and use every opportunity you have been given.

Action Point: The best way to do things is to do them at the proper time. Please help me stop Procrastinating

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