Saturday 3 October 2015

Morning Fellowship with God's Word

Sharing with you this Morning devotional "Open Heavens written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye. Today  Saturday october 3, 2015.
Topic: INTEGRITY . Matthew 3:8
"Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance". Please read: Matthew 7:15-20
It is pathetic but true: integrity is a scarce commodity nowadays. The unvarnished truth is that almost all nation parade those who plead guilty to fraud, conspiracy to obstruct justice, immoralities, perjury,making false statements and other criminal acts. Modern society is in dire need of people of integrity. A person is identified by his or her integrity.

What is Integrity? Integrity can be defined as steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. It is a state of being unimpaired of soundness; the quality of being whole or of having undivided completeness.Integrity is a synonym for honesty. It manifests itself as what is called incorruptibility. Are you corrupt or incorruptible? Are you a man or woman of integrity? Certain thing to note about integrity. First, integrity is a skill: it is practical skill. It is the ability to practice honesty and to exhibit moral courage in all ramifications. AS with skills, integrity is developed and learned over time. Secondly, integrity is a guideline, a benchmark, point of reference or goal that is used to make decisions based on truth and honesty. Thirdly, integrity can be described as a great tower. It is something that a person builds and maintains over a lifetime. Fourthly, integrity can be considered as a seed. It is planted in childhood, watered in youth and blossoms in adulthood, watered in youth and blossoms in adulthood The more a person waters this seed throughout life, the more it grows and blossoms, just as it is with plants, if integrity is neglected at any point, it will wither and die. Integrity requires constant maintenance . The fifth point to note is that integrity is delicate. If care is not taken, integrity can be eroded, lost or compromised beyond recognition in a person's life. Integrity means what a person says and what he or she does are the same; the results are consistent. Are you a person of integrity ?

Action point: Resolve to maintain integrity in all your thoughts, utterances and actions from today.

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