Friday 2 October 2015

Morning Fellowship with God's Word

Sharing with you this Morning devotional "Open Heavens written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye. Today 2nd October,2015.
Topic: Are you A Spiritual Leader?    1 Timothy3:1
"This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. Please read: Mark 10:35-44
Leadership is  subject everyone talks about. It's a pity however that only few understand it. Most people want to be leaders but only few achieve it. What is leadership? What is spiritual leadership? It can be deduced from today's bible reading that spiritual leadership is not the same as inordinate ambition. Inordinate ambition denotes canvassing for promotion with the motive of being seen and approved of by men. Such a person desires to be popular, to stand tall among one's contemporaries and to exercise control over others. It is perilous and carnally minded. This kind if attitude is strongly discouraged by scriptures (1peter 5:2-3)
Spiritual leadership is not won by promotion but by prayers and tears. It is attained   by confession of sin, soul searching and a humble attitude before God. It is attained by self-surrender, a uncompromising and uncomplaining embrace of cross, and also by an eternal, unfaltering focus on Jesus Christ. It is not gained by seeking great things for ourselves, but rather by counting all things as loss for Christ. Are you a spiritual leader? Follow the master's master principles for effective leadership .

Secondly there is the principle of approval. Jesus was approved of God, To excel as a spiritual leader, you need the approval of Almighty ( Acts 2:22). The third principle is the principle of modesty. Christ was modest. A spiritual leader should not be strident and flamboyant, but modest and unassuming, Fourthly, we have the principle of empathy. Leadership involves being sympathetic and understanding with the weak and erring. The fifth principle is the principle of optimism. Jesus was full of faith. Leadership requires hope and optimism since a true servant of God battles with powers of darkness. A pessimist cannot make an inspiring leader. The sixth principle is the principle of the anointing. Christ was anointed with Holy Ghost and power. Leadership requires a touch of the supernatural

Action Point: Decide to follow the master's master principles for effective leadership today

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