Wednesday 25 October 2017

Open Heavens 25th October,2017: Morning Daily Devotional By Pastor E.A Adeboye


"Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."- Psalm 105:15
Please Read: 2 Kings 1:1-15

Although the anointing in the life of the anointed can have a positive impact on people’s lives, it can also take actions which have adverse effects against those who abuse the anointed or treat him or her spitefully.
The Holy Spirit therefore gave us the warning in today’s memory verse to avoid being on the receiving end of such grave actions. This reminds me of the sad story of a pastor who tried to humiliate my father-in-the-Lord, Pastor Josiah Akindayomi, during his lifetime. Sadly, this fellow became leprous and died. This is similar to the tragic story in today’s Bible reading.

Ahaziah, the king of Samaria, tried to lay his hands on Elijah, God’s anointed prophet. What was the prophet’s crime? God sent Elijah to point out to him that it was wrong for him to have sent emissaries to consult a strange god for his healing, in defiance of God’s law (Deuteronomy 18:10-11).

God’s warning, if heeded, normally brings forgiveness and restoration, as demonstrated in Jonah 3:10, when the people of Nineveh repented of their sins. Unfortunately, instead of crying to the merciful God of Israel, the king ordered the prophet’s arrest.
Is this the right response to a message of warning from God? Before you respond to this, think of how you also feel whenever your pastor hands down a strong sermon to you in an effort to make you repent and be delivered from both present and eternal damnation.
The story of King Ahaziah’s foolish actions ends in tragedy, not only for him but also for the soldiers he sent to arrest the anointed of God.
There are many lessons to learn and pray about from this story. First and foremost, we must pray for our bad leaders, because when God’s judgment comes, even the innocent may not escape the outcome. Secondly, children of God must always know whether any assignment they are given is of God or of the devil, and they should ask God for wisdom to go about it.

I remember some policemen who wanted to extort money from my entourage some years ago. The moment ltold their leader, “There is always a last assignment for every individual on earth”, he understood and let us go. If he had not repented, that would have been his last outing, because it was not l who spoke but the Holy Spirit.

Thirdly, ministers of God should always live above board so that God’s anointing can fight on their behalf. Elijah said, “If as a man of God as a pastor, evangelist or prophet, can you confidently say you are a man of God? Have you burnt your spiritual fingers in the fire of sin and covered it up as if nothing happened? If you are in such a situation, repent today, so that the anointing can resume its defence of your life.
For those fond of ridiculing the anointed of God, be careful, so that you don’t experience the adverse effects of the anointing. May the peace of God be with you.

 Action Point:
If you’ve spitefully treated the anointed of God repent and pray for forgiveness and healing.

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