Saturday 18 November 2017

Newspapers Review: 10 Things You Need To Know In Nigeria Today

Good morning! Here is today’s summary from Nigerian Newspapers:
 1. Anambra holds its governorship election today. The election is holding amid tight security following threats by different groups to either disrupt or boycott the exercise. The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC successfully distributed electoral materials on Friday ahead of today’s election.

2. A lecturer at the Department of Crop Production, College of Agriculture, Kwara State University, Malete, Dr. Solomon Osunlola, has committed suicide over alleged conversion of his appointment from permanent to contract staff. The Director of the institute’s Public Relations Department, Dr. Isiaka Aliagan, confirmed the incident on Friday in Ilorin.

3. The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, yesterday, said they were not planning to disrupt today’s governorship election in Anambra State but will stay away from it and will never be part of any fraudulent election organised by INEC until a date for referendum on Biafra is fixed. This was contained in a statement issued by its spokesman, Emma Powerful.

4. Report says many militants in the riverine area of Ondo State, have willingly embraced the amnesty program of the Federal government in the state and have trooped out en-mass to lay down their arms and ammunition. The exercise which started on Thursday recorded massive turnout of militants in the five collation centres, including Igbekebo, Arogbo, Igbonla, Ajapa, and Igbokoda, all in the southern senatorial district of the state. Men of the Nigeria Army, the Navy, Police, civil defence and other paramilitary were on ground to monitor the exercise.

5. ‎The All Progressives Congress (APC) National Chairman, John Odigie-Oyegun, ​on Friday received former ​governor of Ebonyi, Martin Elechi and his wife​,​ Josephine​,​ into the APC. 6,000 other former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)​ members,​ including ​ex-Deputy National Chairman, Chief Solomon Onwe joined Elechi to cross to the APC.

6. There was a mild drama on Friday at an Ikeja High Court as billionaire kidnapper, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, also known as Evans, accused prison authorities of starving him for three days, depriving him of changing his clothes and having his bath.

7 .26 Nigerian girls and women who were allegedly sexually abused and murdered while trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe earlier in November have been buried in Italy on Friday, November 17, 2017.
According to a reporter, Paraic O'Brien, the victims were buried in Salerno, south of Naples, in Italy after autopsies revealed there was no recent trace of physical or sexual violence.
The autopsy revealed that 25 of the victims died of asphyxiation in the water, when the inflatable dinghy they were travelling on sank while the remaining one suffered a wound to her liver.
2 out of the 26 women was said to be pregnant.

8. Victor Moses will be back in action for Antonio Conte’s side Chelsea next weekend. Conte said that his wing back will return to the squad ahead of the away clash with Liverpool. Moses got injured in Chelsea’s 2-1 defeat away at Crystal Palace in October 14 and has been out since then.

9. The Kaduna State Command of the Nigerian Police has arrested a cripple for giving information to a gang of kidnappers in Sabon Gayan Village in the state. The cripple, identified as Kamilu Mohammed, was paraded on Friday alongside eight other suspected criminals arrested for series of crimes; ranging from kidnapping, armed robbery, car snatching and cocaine trafficking. According to a statement by CSP Jimoh Moshood, Force Public Relations Officer, all the suspects were arrested at Sabon Gayan.

10. Police in Onitsha, in Anambra, Friday averted what could have been a major disaster in the commercial city. Report says two high caliber improvised explosive devices (IED’s) were discovered near Onitsha North Police Station. A distress call was made to men of the Nigerian Police Anti-bomb squad who swiftly responded and cordoned off the entire area. The IEDs were ‎successfully demobilized and removed by men of the Anti-Bomb squad under the Supervision of Deputy Inspector General of Police, Joshak Habila.

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