Thursday 27 November 2014

HID At 99: Prominent Nigerians Eulogise Awolowo’s Widow (Photos)

The thanksgiving service marking the 99th birthday ceremony of the matriarch of the Awolowo dynasty and wife of the late sage and Premier of the defunct Western Region, Mrs Hannah Dideolu Awolowo, has been held in Ikenne, Ikenne Local Government Area of Ogun State, South West Nigeria.

The mood at the church service marking the 99th birthday ceremony of the Yeye Oodua, as she is fondly referred to by her admirers, was that of praise and worship, as Mama Awolowo sang and dance to God with the Ogun State Governor holding the microphone.
Photo credit: ChannelsTV

It was also a moment of joy for family members, children, grand children and great grand children, who referred to her as a mother, a wife of inestimable value, a community leader among other virtues.

The event, which held at the Efunyela Hall at the residence of the Awolowos was attended by dignitaries from all walks of life, including the Governor of Ogun State, Ibikunle Amosun and his wife; Delta State Governor, Emmanuel Uduaghan; former Lagos State Governor, Lateef Jakande and former Lagos Deputy Governor, Kofoworola Bucknor Akerele.
Also present were Senator Daisy Danjuma, Chief Ayo Adebanjo among other dignitaries.

To many of them, Mama HID Awolowo remains an icon of national development and a dependable mother and wife.

To the supporters of the late sage, Obafemi Awolowo and the Governor of Delta State, Mama Awolowo is a unique personality.

The Bishop of Ijebu South West and officiating minister at the service, Rt Rev Babatunde Ogunbanwo, having aligned with the words of  praise and admiration from all the dignitaries, also seized the opportunity to call for purposeful leadership, as well as commitment to national development among leaders and politicians in the country.
President Goodluck Jonathan, had in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, on Monday, felicitated with Mama Awolowo.

Jonathan and his family joined millions of admirers of the late nationalist, renowned political leader and sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, in wishing his “Jewel of Inestimable Value” a very happy birthday celebrations.

The President prayed that God Almighty would grant Mrs Awolowo many more years of worthy service as the matriarch and moral compass of the Awolowo political dynasty which “continues to play a commendable role in national development and progress”.

Mama Awolowo was born on November 25, 1915 in Ikenne. She is blessed with five children, 20 grand children and 32 great grand children.

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