Sunday 23 November 2014

Scale Fence Again, If You Are Stopped By Police, Lai Tells Reps

The National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC)  Lai Mohammed on Sunday urged members of the House of Representatives, who scaled the gate of the National Assembly to gain access into the hallowed chambers, to do it again if the police should stop them from gaining access.

“If the police repeats this again, I will encourage them to do exactly the same”, he said on Politics Today on ChannelsTV.

He said the lawmakers “outsmarted the police, the PDP and the Presidency, whose game plan was to get the Speaker impeached”.

He also urged Nigerians not to be carried away by the way and manner the members gained entrance into the complex, but “look at what actually led to this”.

He noted that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal put “national interest over that of his personal security” and reconvened the House at the request of President Jonathan to extend the State of Emergerncy in Adamawa, Yobe and Borno States, knowing that “the President and his party want to impeach him.
He noted that “regardless of whatever reasons that were given by the police, legitimate or illegitimate, the most fundamental issue is that when a cordon has been established, we are all expected to behave in a lawful and a refined manner.
“We are not expected to defy the police, break the line, jump over fences and break down walls and act as if we are in a market place”, he said.

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