Sunday 23 November 2014

Ondo Community Tragedy : 10 Houses, Cars Burnt after Truck Kills Two

There was pandemonium at the weekend in the sleepy town of Oka-Akoko in Akoko South-West Local Government Area
of Ondo State as a truck belonging to a manufacturing company crushed two residents of the town to death. The community youths, who were said to have been angry over the incident, allegedly burnt 10 houses, motorcycles and cars including the truck that hit the deceased.

It was learnt that the truck which was said to be on a high speed had earlier over taken some vehicles before it crushed the two deceased who were on a motorcycle

An eyewitness, Mr. Wale Gidado told DAILY POST that the incident occurred in the late hour of the evening and the driver of the truck, in attempt to escape with the vehicle was caught by the youths.

It was not clear if the driver of the truck escaped being lynched as a mob of people descended on him when he made attempt to escape from the scene of the accident.

Gidado, who claimed to be a community leader in the town lamented over the serial killing of the residents of the community due to numerous numbers of trucks plying the route.

However, it took the intervention of the traditional ruler and men of the security operatives, who cautioned the aggrieved youths before normally was restored

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