Friday 11 September 2015

Morning Fellowship with God's Word

 Sharing with you this Morning devotional "Open Heavens written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye. Today ,Friday 11 September, 2015.
Topic: Organised Noise . Psalm 126:2
"Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The lord hath done great things for them". Please read: Psalm 126: 1-3
Human beings love to sing and have a way of expressing their feelings through the songs they sing. It is possible to some extent to tell what is on a person's mind from the song they are singing regularly. For example, when a man sings "Jehovah is your name", it is likely the case that the person is fighting a battle and is mostly likely the case that he has just won a battle. Music simply put is organised lyrics. It can however also be organised noise.

In Mark 5: 22-24, we are told the story of a man named Jarius whose daughter was ill and about to die. Jarius spent a lot of time making desperate noises in the ears of Jesus decided to follow him home. Today, God will change any song of sorrow or sadness that you may be singing to a song of victory in Jesus'name .

God will step into the matter and recover what you have lost for you if only you can trust Him. He will give you a new song to sing - good songs that is.

Action point: Today, spend time praising and worshiping God.

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